Staying Mobile with Mozy: Comfort in Cold Weather
Okay, friends, let's talk winter. ::Shivers:: We all know how it can be, right? Especially if you rely on a wheelchair to get around. Suddenly, those chilly breezes turn into icy blasts, and your world shrinks.
Been there? Becca has! But guess what? She's found her secret weapon against the cold – our Mozy! For her, the wearable thermal wrap is a game-changer!
Becca and Her Mozy: A Winter Love Story!
Becca is a force of nature. She's got places to go, people to see, and a life to live! But Denver winters? They were seriously cramping her style. Becca, who uses a power wheelchair, needed something to keep her cozy during these harsh months. Pre-Mozy," she told us, "I used a quilt my sisters made me…but even temperatures in the 60s could feel chilly! I'm not doing any action to keep my blood pumping and keeping me warm." That bone-chilling cold that seeps into your bones? Yeah, no thanks.

That quilt, while a lovely and thoughtful gift, just wasn't cutting it. It didn't wrap all the way around, leaving Becca's legs exposed to the biting wind. It wasn't exactly durable either. And those bulky sleeping bag-style covers? A total no-go! "Getting my feet out and back in was problematic for driving," Becca explained. Major bummer. When you're trying to maintain your independence, something as simple as getting your feet in and out of a cover shouldn't be a struggle.
So, what's a girl to do? Stay inside and hibernate all winter? Absolutely not! Enter Mozy! This patented invention is like a warm hug. It's lightweight, super-insulating, and wraps comfortably around your lower body, keeping you toasty warm from the waist down. And the absolute best part? It works great for wheelchair users!
Becca, like many of us, was a little skeptical at first. "When I first opened the box…my initial thought was 'uh-oh, it's too lightweight. It won't keep me warm.'" We totally understand that initial hesitation. "I was wrong," she admits. "It is warm below freezing!"
Want proof? Becca braved the Denver chill and wheeled herself to the doctor's office – in a skirt! Talk about putting Mozy to the test! "I wrapped up all cozy-like in my new Mozy and got there with nothing cold but the cheeks on my face! What a great feeling to have rosy cheeks and not be frozen through." Seriously, how amazing is that?! Rosy cheeks, not frozen toes? That's the Mozy magic!
"It is essential to me for getting out in the cold, as I had hoped," Becca says of her Mozy. "Instead of staying inside below freezing, I can get outside. I don't have to cancel appointments because of the cold." That's what we love to hear! Freedom to go where you need to go, regardless of the weather. That's what Mozy is all about! The Mozy is a perfect match for her active, albeit cold, lifestyle.
And Becca's not the only one singing Mozy's praises! She's been spreading the word in her online support groups, and everyone's loving it! "I have gotten compliments on my Mozy and was even asked where I found it," she shared. "I'm not the only wheelchair user who could benefit from using this." And she's absolutely right! Mozy is perfect for anyone who wants to stay warm and comfortable while enjoying their freedom, whether it's at a basketball game, a soccer match, or just a stroll around the neighborhood. Think chilly evenings at the stadium, crisp mornings at the park, or even just running errands on a blustery day. Mozy has you covered!
"If you can't tell, I'm excited about this thing. Anything that increases my independence is exciting," Becca declared. From her perspective, Mozy isn't just a blanket for a wheelchair—it's an investment in personal freedom.
That's what we call a win! Glad we could help you, Becca!